Why Our Boys Struggle So Much

They're Wounded

Our boys have experienced many wounds by the time they reach their late teens. Not every boy endures every wound, but we see these 5 wounds very often:

  • Father Wound: Many boys have fathers who are absent...or worse. Thank God for the fathers who are present and building a relationship with their sons, whether together or in separate households.

  • Mother Wound: Far too many mothers are overstressed and not supported enough to do all for their sons that they would want to do.

  • Education Wound: Many boys go to schools where they fall through the cracks and start slipping behind. By 4th grade they are already behind.

  • Social Services Wound: Many boys needing the help of professionals are left with inadequate care by overloaded, underfunded social services systems.

They're Confused

Where do boys learn what it means to be a man...what it really means? Far too often it is from other boys, who know nothing about being a man, and from the streets, which have a distorted view of manhood.

  • Fragile Masculinity: Our boys put up a fragile wall of "macho" that hides how vulnerable they feel to the slightest insults to their "manhood".

  • Toxic Shame: Our boys grow up with much shame and insecurity about themselves, and their way of handling it gets them into trouble with schools and later, law enforcement.

  • Vulnerable: Black boys in particular feel targeted by some teachers and law enforcement. Research consistently shows that these boys are disciplined more severely than any other group, often for similar behaviors.

  • Misdirected Rage: Our boys, understandably, can't find the right target for their anger.

They're Abandoned

Strong words, but hear me out.

  • Lack of Male-Specific Programs: In our schools, in our community, in our churches, there are not enough programs that

    target the particular, special needs of boys. A "One Size Fits All" approach to teaching and raising boys does not take into account the developmental needs of young males.

  • Single-Parent Families: I've spoken to many single mothers who know that at a certain point, they start losing their influence on their sons. Not because mothers stop caring but because boys start looking for men who can show them what it means to be a man.

Research shows that boys who have their fathers involved, or even just a caring adult man, get better grades, stay out of trouble more, get girls pregnant less, and feel better about themselves (and lots more)!

Yet our community leaves them to fend for themselves too much.

Our Project Manhood Program Changes All This with 5 Powerful Components

Project Manhood:

A Proven Program That Turns Boys Into Men

Founded in 1991 by Sheldon Nix, Ph.D, Project Manhood has been used in dozens of cities around the country to help boys aged 10 - 16 to become clear about who they are and the choices they must make. Boys love it, parents are grateful for the changes they see in their boys, and schools recognize that boys in the program do better in school (better grades, better behavior).

And we have been operating Project Manhood in Wilmington, DE for almost 20 years, touching the lives of hundreds of boys. Fill out the information below and let's discuss if this is the right program for your son.

The Key Leaders Who Will Work With Your Son and You

John Finney

Program Director

As a Pastor, Executive Director of the Hope Center for Community Empowerment, a Delaware-based nonprofit organization, and the leader of Project Manhood in Delaware for going on 20 years, I oversee this program and am heavily involved in ensuring that the program operates according to the national standards.

Project Manhood Leaders

Every week a group of professional, serious men help lead the sessions and mentor the boys. Every one of them is committed to becoming the men they were born to be and also committed to helping boys reach their full potential. They show up and they care, throughout the year.

Parents (You)

Project Manhood works closely with parents to ensure that parents know exactly what we are teaching your boys AND that you are reinforcing the lessons they learn in the program at home. We teach you some key lessons about raising boys and we involve you in key program activities. It takes a village and YOU are the head of that village!

We Will Teach Your Son Solid Values and Good Choices

Every week he will recite the Oath of Manhood to reinforce who he is committing to becoming.

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